Explained: BSIS Guard Card Requirements

It isn’t hard to get a California Guard Card, but the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) has a few requirements you should know about before you get started.

Before you apply for a Guard Card…

If you have a conviction for something other than a crime of violence, the State will consider the circumstances and any evidence of rehabilitation. You’ll have the opportunity to explain your situation on the Guard Card application. Just be honest.

BSIS also requires you to take 8 hours of training classes before you can apply for a California Guard Card. The two mandatory courses are:

After you’re done with your classes, you need to get your Livescan fingerprints taken so the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) can do a criminal background check.

There is:

After you get your Guard Card…

BSIS has a few more training requirements you need to follow to keep your Guard Card in good standing order.

Continuing Education

You need to complete a total of 32 hours of continuing education after your guard card is issued:

Annual Refresher Courses

Each year after, you need to complete 8 hours of training in the form of “refresher” courses.

It sounds like a lot. Forty hours of basic Guard Card training then 8 more hours every year to stay current. But you can check out the 3 biggest myths about guard card training to find out why the number of hours BSIS states classes should take is wildly inaccurate.

Hopefully all of this has given you a better understanding of what it takes to get, and keep, a California Guard Card. It’s not hard, but it can be confusing especially when it comes to the training requirements. If you ever have any questions, feel free to give Valley Guard Training a call or come on in. We’re always here to help.


BSIS Certified